Understanding Wrongful Death Claims In Ohio

Our Youngstown, OH wrongful death lawyer knows that if you have lost a loved one as a result of someone else’s negligence, this pain can be incredibly profound. Experiencing a wrongful death is an incredibly difficult thing to go through because you know that their death was a result of someone else’s negligence. Wrongful death claims in Ohio are designed so that they can provide justice for the deceased’s family members. Our team at Joseph Law Group, LLC understands that this is an emotionally taxing situation that no one should ever have to go through. Attorney Edward Manuel does not just guide his clients through difficult legal situations, but he has devoted his career to helping victims. He has spent over a decade with the team at Joseph Law Group and is prepared to help you. He has settled hundreds of cases throughout his career and has the experience and knowledge to help you with your case. 

How To Establish Grounds For A Wrongful Death Claim

One of the first steps in a wrongful death claim involves showing that the death was caused by another party who was acting recklessly or negligently. This could be many different scenarios, including a car accident, a pedestrian accident, medical malpractice, or even a workplace accident. When you work with our team, you know you are working with lawyers who know how to conduct a thorough investigation to support your claim. Your lawyer may gather evidence such as: 

Knowing If You Are Eligible To File A Claim

In the state of Ohio, only certain family members are eligible to file a wrongful death claim. This might be a parent, sibling, children, or spouse of the deceased. However, if there are no immediate family members, the personal representative of the estate may file a claim. Especially if you don’t fit into the “immediate family member” category, it is crucial that you speak with your lawyer to learn more about whether you are an eligible claimant and what your next steps are. 

Calculating The Damages

After you have determined who is eligible to file, the next step is to determine the appropriate amount of compensation. This can be difficult in a wrongful death case, especially as you begin looking at both the economic and non-economic damages. You may file for economic damages, such as funeral and burial costs or medical expenses that happened prior to death as a result of the accident. You can also file for non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering that the deceased went through before they died. 

Getting The Help You Need Today

After a wrongful death in the family, you may be unsure of what your next steps are. It is true that nothing can bring your loved one back, but you may be wondering how to cope or begin moving on from this. This is where the team at Joseph Law Group, LLC comes in. We work closely with various professionals to ensure that your loss is accurately calculated and that you can begin moving forward. When you are ready, speak with our trusted wrongful death lawyer in Youngstown.