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Let's Talk About Your Case

Eliminate Your Worry & Ease Your Mind
The insurance industry is built on the avoidance of making any payments on claims. They see claims as liabilities, and initially deny, defend, and delay a claim to limit that liability and save money for the company. Ultimately, it is the job of the attorneys at Joseph Law Group to advocate on behalf of our clients and to give the insurance companies and adjusters enough reason to pay an amount of money that is fair under all circumstances. When you hire Joseph Law Group to represent your claim, you are getting a full-service team of dedicated attorneys and paralegals who will be committed to pursuing the best outcome for you from day one until trial.

Video Client Testimonials
Tawanda from Shaker Heights
Client Testimonial: Carl from S. Amherst
Client Testimonial: Bonnie Andersen
Serving All Counties in the State of Ohio
Allow our lawyers to come to you at your convenience to provide a free consultation.
Virtual and Online Appointments Available
Get in Touch
New Clients | 216-333-1080
Toll-free | 866-522-1402
Beachwood | 216-369-6220
Greater Cleveland | 216-522-1600
Youngstown/Akron | 330-797-0481
Southeast Ohio | 740-212-8180
Columbus | 614-591-3670
Toledo | 419-273-0380
Cincinnati | 513-880-0325
3690 Orange Place – Suite 175
Beachwood, Ohio 44122